
All articles submitted to the editorial board of the scientific journal "Regional Studies" and meeting the formal criteria are considered at the editorial board meeting to correspond to the topics of the journal. The circle of reviewers is then determined. Reviewing of materials is absolutely anonymous for the author and the reviewer (double-blind).

The chair of the editorial board is responsible for organizing the reviewing of articles and the maintenance of academic integrity.

Reviewers evaluate articles by the following criteria:

- sufficiency of disclosure of the relevance of the article;

- justification of the connection of the problem posed in the article with important scientific or practical tasks;

- substantiation of scientific results obtained;

- scientific conclusions and their relevance to the purpose of the article;

The reviewer also assesses the author's knowledge of the scientific literature on the topic being discussed, including international experience; clarity of language and style, etc.).

The reviewer provides conclusions on the advisability of the publication, indicating the main shortcomings of the article (if any), as well as the conclusion about the possibility of publication: "recommended", "recommended with a correction of these shortcomings" or "not recommended".

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